Source code for input.drivers.hid

from evdev import InputDevice as HID, list_devices, ecodes
from time import sleep

from helpers import setup_logger
from skeleton import InputSkeleton

logger = setup_logger(__name__, "warning")
def get_input_devices():
    """Returns list of all the available InputDevices"""
    devices = []
    for fn in list_devices():
    return devices

def get_path_by_name(name):
    """Gets HID device path by name, returns None if not found."""
    path = None
    for dev in get_input_devices():
        if == name:
            path = dev.fn
    return path

def get_name_by_path(path):
    """Gets HID device path by name, returns None if not found."""
    name = None
    for dev in get_input_devices():
        if dev.fn == path:
            name =
    return name

[docs]class InputDevice(InputSkeleton): """ A driver for HID devices. As for now, supports keyboards and numpads."""
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None, name=None, **kwargs): """Initialises the ``InputDevice`` object. Kwargs: * ``path``: path to the input device. If not specified, you need to specify ``name``. * ``name``: input device name """ if not name and not path: #No necessary arguments supplied raise TypeError("Expected at least path or name; got nothing. =(") if not path: path = get_path_by_name(name) if not name: name = get_name_by_path(path) if not name and not path: #Seems like nothing was found by get_input_devices raise IOError("Device not found") self.path = path = name self.init_hw() InputSkeleton.__init__(self, mapping = [], **kwargs)
def init_hw(self): try: self.device = HID(self.path) except OSError: logger.error("Failed HID") return False else: self.device.grab() #Can throw exception if already grabbed return True
[docs] def runner(self): """Blocking event loop which just calls supplied callbacks in the keymap.""" try: while not self.stop_flag: event = self.device.read_one() if event is not None and event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY: key = ecodes.keys[event.code] value = event.value if value == 0 and self.enabled: self.send_key(key) sleep(0.01) except IOError as e: if e.errno == 11: #raise #Uncomment only if you have nothing better to do - error seems to appear at random pass
def atexit(self): InputSkeleton.atexit(self) try: self.device.ungrab() except: pass
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Available device names:") print([ for dev in get_input_devices()]) #id = InputDevice(name = get_input_devices()[0].name, threaded=False) #id.runner()