Source code for ui.char_input

from time import sleep
from helpers import setup_logger
logger = setup_logger(__name__, "warning")

import string

from utils import to_be_foreground
from canvas import Canvas
from base_ui import BaseUIElement

[docs]class CharArrowKeysInput(BaseUIElement): """ Implements a character input dialog which allows to input a character string using arrow keys to scroll through characters """ chars = string.ascii_lowercase Chars = string.ascii_uppercase numbers = '0123456789' hexadecimals = '0123456789ABCDEF' specials = "!\"#$%&'()[]<>*+,-./:;=?^_|" space = ' ' backspace = chr(0x08) mapping = { '][c':chars, '][C':Chars, '][n':numbers, '][S':space, '][b':backspace, '][h':hexadecimals, '][s':specials} in_foreground = False value = [] position = 0 cancel_flag = False charmap = ""
[docs] def __init__(self, i, o, message="Value:", value="", allowed_chars=['][S', '][c', '][C', '][s', '][n'], name="CharArrowKeysInput", initial_value=""): """Initialises the CharArrowKeysInput object. Args: * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects Kwargs: * ``value``: Value to be edited. If not set, will start with an empty string. * ``allowed_chars``: Characters to be used during input. Is a list of strings designating ranges which can be the following: * '][c' for lowercase ASCII characters * '][C' for uppercase ASCII characters * '][s' for special characters * '][S' for space * '][n' for numbers * '][h' for hexadecimal characters (0-F) If a string does not designate a range of characters, it'll be added to character map as-is. * ``message``: Message to be shown in the first row of the display * ``name``: UI element name which can be used internally and for debugging. """ BaseUIElement.__init__(self, i, o, name) self.message = message self.allowed_chars = allowed_chars self.allowed_chars.append("][b") #Adding backspace by default self.generate_charmap() #Support for obsolete attribute if not value and initial_value: value = initial_value if type(value) != str: raise ValueError("CharArrowKeysInput needs a string!") self.value = list(value) self.char_indices = [] #Fixes a bug with char_indices remaining from previous input ( 0_0 ) for char in self.value: self.char_indices.append(self.charmap.index(char)) self.set_view()
def set_view(self): if "b&w" in self.o.type: view_class = GraphicalView elif "char" in self.o.type: view_class = TextView else: raise ValueError("Unsupported display type: {}".format(repr(self.o.type))) self.view = view_class(self.o, self) def get_return_value(self): if self.cancel_flag: return None else: return ''.join(self.value) #Making string from the list we have def idle_loop(self): sleep(0.1) @property def is_active(self): return self.in_foreground def print_value(self): """ A debug method. Useful for hooking up to an input event so that you can see current value. """ @to_be_foreground def move_up(self): """Changes the current character to the next character in the charmap""" while len(self.char_indices) <= self.position: self.char_indices.append(0) self.value.append(self.charmap[0]) char_index = self.char_indices[self.position] if char_index >= (len(self.charmap)-1): char_index = 0 else: char_index += 1 self.char_indices[self.position] = char_index self.value[self.position] = self.charmap[char_index] self.refresh() @to_be_foreground def move_down(self): """Changes the current character to the previous character in the charmap""" while len(self.char_indices) <= self.position: self.char_indices.append(0) self.value.append(self.charmap[0]) char_index = self.char_indices[self.position] if char_index == 0: char_index = len(self.charmap) - 1 else: char_index -= 1 self.char_indices[self.position] = char_index self.value[self.position] = self.charmap[char_index] self.refresh() @to_be_foreground def move_right(self): """Moves cursor to the next element. """ self.check_for_backspace() self.position += 1 if self.view.last_displayed_char < self.position: #Went too far to the part of the value that isn't currently displayed self.view.last_displayed_char = self.position self.view.first_displayed_char = self.position - self.o.cols self.refresh() @to_be_foreground def move_left(self): """Moves cursor to the previous element. If first element is chosen, exits and makes the element return None.""" self.check_for_backspace() if self.position == 0: self.exit() return self.position -= 1 if self.view.first_displayed_char > self.position: #Went too far back to the part that's not currently displayed self.view.first_displayed_char = self.position self.view.last_displayed_char = self.position + self.o.cols self.refresh() @to_be_foreground def accept_value(self): """Selects the currently active number value, making activate() return it.""" self.check_for_backspace() logger.debug("Value accepted") self.deactivate() @to_be_foreground def exit(self): """Exits discarding all the changes to the value.""" logger.debug("{} exited without changes".format( self.cancel_flag = True self.deactivate() def generate_keymap(self): return { "KEY_RIGHT": 'move_right', "KEY_UP": 'move_up', "KEY_DOWN": 'move_down', "KEY_LEFT": 'move_left', "KEY_ENTER": 'accept_value' } def generate_charmap(self): for value in self.allowed_chars: if value in self.mapping.keys(): self.charmap += self.mapping[value] else: self.charmap += value def check_for_backspace(self): for i, char_value in enumerate(self.value): if char_value == self.backspace: self.value.pop(i) self.char_indices.pop(i) @to_be_foreground def refresh(self): self.view.refresh() logger.debug("{}: refreshed data on display".format(
class TextView(object): last_displayed_char = 0 first_displayed_char = 0 def __init__(self, o, el): self.o = o self.el = el self.last_displayed_char = self.o.cols def get_displayed_data(self): """ Formats the value and the message to show it on the screen, then returns a list that can be directly used by o.display_data. Uses HD44780-specific characters. """ if self.first_displayed_char >= len(self.el.value): #Value is off-screen value = "" else: value = ''.join(self.el.value)[self.first_displayed_char:][:self.o.cols] return [self.el.message, value] def convert_chars_to_hd44780_charset(self, message, value): value = value.replace(self.el.backspace, chr(0x7f)) value = value.replace(' ', chr(255)) #Displaying all spaces as black boxes return message, value def refresh(self): self.o.noCursor() #self.o.cursor()# Only needed for testing TextView on luma.oled displayed_data = self.convert_chars_to_hd44780_charset( *self.get_displayed_data() ) self.o.display_data(*displayed_data) self.o.cursor() class GraphicalView(TextView): def get_image(self): c = Canvas(self.o) #Getting displayed data, drawing it lines = self.get_displayed_data() for i, line in enumerate(lines): y = (i*self.o.char_height - 1) if i != 0 else 0 c.text(line, (2, y)) #Calculating the cursor dimensions c_x1 = (self.el.position-self.first_displayed_char) * self.o.char_width c_x2 = c_x1 + self.o.char_width c_y1 = self.o.char_height * 1 #second line c_y2 = c_y1 + self.o.char_height #Some readability adjustments cursor_dims = ( c_x1, c_y1, c_x2 + 2, c_y2 + 1 ) #Drawing the cursor c.invert_rect(cursor_dims) return c.get_image() def refresh(self): self.o.display_image(self.get_image())