Source code for ui.dialog

from time import sleep
from helpers import setup_logger
from funcs import format_for_screen as ffs

from base_ui import BaseUIElement
from canvas import Canvas

logger = setup_logger(__name__, "info")

[docs]class DialogBox(BaseUIElement): """Implements a dialog box with given values (or some default ones if chosen).""" view = None value_selected = False selected_option = 0 default_options = {"y":["Yes", True], 'n':["No", False], 'c':["Cancel", None]} start_option = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, values, i, o, message="Are you sure?", name="DialogBox", **kwargs): """Initialises the DialogBox object. Args: * ``values``: values to be used. Should be a list of ``[label, returned_value]`` pairs. * You can also pass a string "yn" to get "Yes(True), No(False)" options, or "ync" to get "Yes(True), No(False), Cancel(None)" options. * Values put together with spaces between them shouldn't be longer than the screen's width. * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects Kwargs: * ``message``: Message to be shown on the first line of the screen when UI element is activated * ``name``: UI element name which can be used internally and for debugging. """ BaseUIElement.__init__(self, i, o, name, **kwargs) if isinstance(values, basestring): self.values = [] for char in values: self.values.append(self.default_options[char]) #value_str = " ".join([value[0] for value in values]) #assert(len(value_str) <= o.cols, "Resulting string too long for the display!") else: if not type(values) in (list, tuple): raise ValueError("Unsupported 'values' argument - needs a list, supplied {}".format(repr(values))) if not values: raise ValueError("Empty/invalid 'values' argument!") for i, value in enumerate(values): if isinstance(value, basestring) and value in self.default_options: #"y", "n" or "c" supplied as a shorthand for one of three default arguments values[i] = self.default_options[value] self.values = values self.message = message self.set_view() # Keymap will depend on view self.set_default_keymap()
def set_view(self): if "b&w" in self.o.type: view_class = GraphicalView elif "char" in self.o.type: view_class = TextView else: raise ValueError("Unsupported display type: {}".format(repr(self.o.type))) self.view = view_class(self.o, self)
[docs] def set_start_option(self, option_number): """ Allows you to set position of the option that'll be selected upon DialogBox activation. """ self.start_option = option_number
def before_activate(self): self.value_selected = False self.selected_option = self.start_option @property def is_active(self): return self.in_foreground def get_return_value(self): if self.value_selected: return self.values[self.selected_option][1] else: return None def idle_loop(self): sleep(0.1) def generate_keymap(self): km = {"KEY_ENTER": 'accept_value'} scroll_is_vertical = getattr(self.view, 'scroll_is_vertical', False) if scroll_is_vertical: km.update({ "KEY_DOWN": 'move_right', "KEY_UP": 'move_left', "KEY_LEFT": 'deactivate', }) else: km.update({ "KEY_RIGHT": 'move_right', "KEY_LEFT": 'move_left', }) return km def move_left(self): scroll_is_vertical = getattr(self.view, 'scroll_is_vertical', False) if self.selected_option == 0: if not scroll_is_vertical: self.deactivate() return self.selected_option -= 1 self.refresh() def move_right(self): if self.selected_option == len(self.values)-1: return self.selected_option += 1 self.refresh() def accept_value(self): self.value_selected = True self.deactivate() def refresh(self): self.view.refresh()
class TextView(object): def __init__(self, o, el): self.o = o self.el = el self.process_values() def process_values(self): labels = [label for label, value in self.el.values] label_string = " ".join(labels) if len(label_string) > self.o.cols: raise ValueError("DialogBox {}: all values combined are longer than screen's width".format( self.right_offset = (self.o.cols - len(label_string))/2 self.displayed_label = " "*self.right_offset+label_string #Need to go through the string to mark the first places because we need to remember where to put the cursors labels = [label for label, value in self.el.values] current_position = self.right_offset self.positions = [] for label in labels: self.positions.append(current_position) current_position += len(label) + 1 def refresh(self): self.o.noCursor() self.o.setCursor(1, self.positions[self.el.selected_option]) self.o.display_data(self.el.message, self.displayed_label) self.o.cursor() class GraphicalView(TextView): scroll_is_vertical = True def process_values(self): self.positions = [] labels = [label for label, value in self.el.values] for label in labels: label_width = len(label)*self.o.char_width label_start = (self.o.width - label_width)/2 if label_start < 0: label_start = 0 self.positions.append(label_start) def get_image(self): c = Canvas(self.o) #Drawing text chunk_y = 0 formatted_message = ffs(self.el.message, self.o.cols) if len(formatted_message)*(self.o.char_height+2) > self.o.height - self.o.char_height - 2: raise ValueError("DialogBox {}: message is too long to fit on the screen: {}".format(, formatted_message)) for line in formatted_message: c.text(line, (0, chunk_y)) chunk_y += self.o.char_height + 2 first_label_y = chunk_y for i, value in enumerate(self.el.values): label = value[0] label_start = self.positions[i] c.text(label, (label_start, chunk_y)) chunk_y += self.o.char_height + 2 #Calculating the cursor dimensions first_char_x = self.positions[self.el.selected_option] option_length = len( self.el.values[self.el.selected_option][0] ) * self.o.char_width c_x1 = first_char_x - 2 c_x2 = c_x1 + option_length + 2 c_y1 = first_label_y + self.el.selected_option*(2 + self.o.char_height) c_y2 = c_y1 + self.o.char_height #Some readability adjustments cursor_dims = ( c_x1, c_y1, c_x2 + 2, c_y2 + 2 ) #Drawing the cursor c.invert_rect(cursor_dims) return c.get_image() def refresh(self): self.o.display_image(self.get_image())