Source code for ui.printer

import PIL
from PIL import ImageOps
from time import sleep
from funcs import format_for_screen as ffs
from utils import fit_image_to_screen

[docs]def Printer(message, i, o, sleep_time=1, skippable=True): """Outputs a string, or a list of strings, on a display as soon as it's called. A string will be split into a list, a list will not be modified. The resulting list is then displayed string-by-string. If resulting strings will take more than one screen, they'll be split into multiple screenfuls and shown one-by-one. Args: * ``message``: A string or list of strings to display. * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects. If you're not using skippable=True and don't need exit on KEY_LEFT, feel free to pass None as i. Kwargs: * ``sleep_time``: Time to display each the message (for each of resulting screens). * ``skippable``: If set, allows skipping message screens by pressing ENTER. """ Printer.skip_screen_flag = False #A flag which is set for skipping screens and is polled while printer is displaying things Printer.exit_flag = False #A flag which is set for stopping exiting the printing process completely #I need to make it this function's attribute because this is a nonlocal variable and AFAIK the only neat way to change it reliably def skip_screen(): Printer.skip_screen_flag = True def exit_printer(): Printer.exit_flag = True #If skippable option is enabled, setting input callbacks on keys we use for skipping screens if i is not None: #On boot, None is passed to print debugging messages when i is not yet initialized i.stop_listen() i.clear_keymap() if skippable: i.set_callback("KEY_ENTER", skip_screen) i.set_callback("KEY_LEFT", exit_printer) i.listen() #Now onto rendering the message rendered_message = [] if isinstance(message, basestring): #Dividing the string into screen-sized chunks screen_width = o.cols while message: rendered_message.append(message[:screen_width]) message = message[screen_width:] elif type(message) in (list, tuple): #It's simple then, just output it as it is. rendered_message = list(message) for element in message: if not isinstance(element, basestring): raise ValueError("Found {} in message! {}".format(type(element), element)) else: raise ValueError("{} can't be passed to Printer! {}".format(type(message), message)) #Now onto calculating the parameters and displaying the message screen-by-screen screen_rows = o.rows render_length = len(rendered_message) num_screens = render_length/screen_rows #Number of screens it will take to show the whole message if render_length%screen_rows != 0: #There is one more screen necessary, it's just not full but we need it. num_screens += 1 for screen_num in range(num_screens): Printer.skip_screen_flag = False shown_element_numbers = [(screen_num*screen_rows)+i for i in range(screen_rows)] screen_data = [rendered_message[i] for i in shown_element_numbers if i in range(render_length)] o.display_data(*screen_data) poll_period = 0.1 sleep_periods = sleep_time/poll_period for period in range(int(sleep_periods)): if Printer.exit_flag: return #Exiting the function completely if Printer.skip_screen_flag: break #Going straight to the next screen sleep(poll_period)
[docs]def PrettyPrinter(text, i, o, *args, **kwargs): """Outputs string data on display as soon as it's called. Will pass the data through format_for_screen function before passing it on to Printer. If text will take more than one screen, it'll be split into multiple screenfuls to fit. Args: * ``message``: A string to be displayed. * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects. If you're not using skippable=True and don't need exit on KEY_LEFT, feel free to pass None as i. Kwargs: * ``sleep_time``: Time to display each screenful of text. * ``skippable``: If set, allows skipping screens by pressing ENTER.""" Printer(ffs(text, o.cols), i, o, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def GraphicsPrinter(image_or_path, i, o, sleep_time=1, invert=True): """Outputs image on the display, as soon as it's called. You can use either a PIL image, or a relative/absolute path to a suitable image. The GraphicsPrinter automatically uses the ``fit_image_to_screen`` function to make sure the image can display regardless of image or screen size. Args: * ``image_or_path``: Either a PIL image or path to an image to be displayed. * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects. If you don't need/want exit on KEY_LEFT, feel free to pass None as i. Kwargs: * ``sleep_time``: Time to display the image * ``invert``: Invert the image before displaying (True by default). """ if isinstance(image_or_path, basestring): image = else: image = image_or_path image = image.convert(o.device_mode) GraphicsPrinter.exit_flag = False def exit_printer(): GraphicsPrinter.exit_flag = True if i is not None: i.stop_listen() i.clear_keymap() i.set_callback("KEY_LEFT", exit_printer) i.set_callback("KEY_ENTER", exit_printer) i.listen() if invert: if o.device_mode == "1": image = image.convert('L') image = ImageOps.invert(image) image = image.convert(o.device_mode) else: image = ImageOps.invert(image) image = fit_image_to_screen(image, o) o.display_image(image) poll_period = 0.1 if sleep_time < poll_period*2: sleep(sleep_time) else: sleep_periods = sleep_time/poll_period for period in range(int(sleep_periods)): if GraphicsPrinter.exit_flag == True: return #Exiting the function completely sleep(poll_period)