Source code for ui.refresher

from time import sleep
from functools import wraps
from traceback import print_exc

import PIL

from helpers import setup_logger
from number_input import IntegerAdjustInput
from utils import to_be_foreground
from base_ui import BaseUIElement, internal_callback_in_background

logger = setup_logger(__name__, "info")

class RefresherExitException(Exception):

[docs]class Refresher(BaseUIElement): """ A Refresher allows you to update the screen on a regular interval. All you need is to provide a function that'll return the text/image you want to display; that function will then be called with the desired frequency and the display will be updated with whatever it returns. """
[docs] def __init__(self, refresh_function, i, o, refresh_interval=1, keymap=None, name="Refresher", **kwargs): """Initialises the Refresher object. Args: * ``refresh_function``: a function which returns data to be displayed on the screen upon being called, in the format accepted by ``screen.display_data()`` or ``screen.display_image()``. To be exact, supported return values are: * Tuples and lists - are converted to lists and passed to ``display_data()`` * Strings - are converted to a single-element list and passed to ``display_data()`` * `PIL.Image` objects - are passed to ``display_image()`` * ``i``, ``o``: input&output device objects Kwargs: * ``refresh_interval``: Time between display refreshes (and, accordingly, ``refresh_function`` calls). * ``keymap``: Keymap entries you want to set while Refresher is active. * By default, KEY_LEFT deactivates the Refresher, if you want to override it, make sure that user can still exit the Refresher. * ``name``: Refresher name which can be used internally and for debugging. """ self.custom_keymap = keymap if keymap else {} BaseUIElement.__init__(self, i, o, name, input_necessary=False, **kwargs) self.set_refresh_interval(refresh_interval) self.set_refresh_function(refresh_function) self.calculate_intervals()
@property def is_active(self): return self.in_background def pause(self): """ Pauses the refresher, not allowing it to print anything on the screen while it's paused. """ self.in_foreground = False def resume(self): """ Resumes the refresher after it's been paused, allowing it to continue printing things on the screen. Refreshes the screen when it's called. """ if not self.in_foreground: self.to_foreground() def background_if_inactive(self): """ If the UI element hasn't been launched yet, launches it in background and waits until it's fully running. Otherwise, resumes the UI element. """ if not self.is_active: self.run_in_background() self.wait_for_active() else: self.resume() def wait_for_active(self, timeout=100): """ If the UI element hasn't been launched yet, launches it in background and waits until it's fully running. """ counter = 0 while not self.is_active: sleep(0.1) counter += 1 if counter == timeout: raise ValueError("Waiting for {} to be active - never became active!".format( def set_refresh_interval(self, new_interval): """Allows setting Refresher's refresh intervals after it's been initialized""" #interval for checking the in_background property in the activate() #when refresh_interval is small enough, is the same as refresh_interval if new_interval == 0: raise ValueError("Refresher refresh_interval can't be 0 ({})".format( self.refresh_interval = new_interval self.sleep_time = 0.1 if new_interval > 0.1 else new_interval self.calculate_intervals() def set_refresh_function(self, refresh_function): if isinstance(refresh_function, RefresherView): refresh_function.init(self.o) self.refresh_function = refresh_function def calculate_intervals(self): """Calculates the sleep intervals of the refresher, so that no matter the ``refresh_interval``, the refresher is responsive. Also, sets the counter to zero.""" #in_background of the refresher needs to be checked approx. each 0.1 second, #since users expect the refresher to exit almost instantly iterations_before_refresh = self.refresh_interval/self.sleep_time if iterations_before_refresh < 1: logger.warning("{}: self.refresh_interval is smaller than self.sleep_time!".format( #Failsafe self.iterations_before_refresh = 1 else: self.iterations_before_refresh = int(iterations_before_refresh) self._counter = 0 def idle_loop(self): if self.in_foreground: if self._counter == self.iterations_before_refresh: self._counter = 0 if self._counter == 0: self.refresh() self._counter += 1 sleep(self.sleep_time) @internal_callback_in_background def change_interval(self): """ A helper function to adjust the Refresher's refresh interval while it's running """ new_interval = IntegerAdjustInput(self.refresh_interval, self.i, self.o, message="Refresh interval:").activate() if new_interval is not None: self.set_refresh_interval(new_interval) def set_keymap(self, keymap): keymap.update(self.custom_keymap) BaseUIElement.set_keymap(self, keymap) def generate_keymap(self): return {} def process_callback(self, func): """ Decorates a function so that during its execution the UI element stops being in foreground. Is typically used as a wrapper for a callback from input event processing thread. After callback's execution is finished, sets the keymap again and refreshes the UI element. """ # This function is copied from - the only difference is # the RefresherExitException handling. TODO: think of a prettier way # to make it work. @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.to_background() self.to_background() e = None try: func(*args, **kwargs) except RefresherExitException: self.deactivate() except Exception as e: print_exc() logger.debug("{}: executed wrapped function: {}".format(, func.__name__)) if self.in_background: self.to_foreground() if e: raise e return wrapper @to_be_foreground def refresh(self): logger.debug("{}: refreshed data on display".format( try: data_to_display = self.refresh_function() except RefresherExitException:"{}: received exit exception, deactivating".format( self.deactivate() return if isinstance(data_to_display, basestring): #Passed a string, not a list. #Let's be user-friendly and wrap it in a list! data_to_display = [data_to_display] elif isinstance(data_to_display, tuple): #Passed a tuple. Let's convert it into a list! data_to_display = list(data_to_display) elif isinstance(data_to_display, PIL.Image.Image): if "b&w" not in self.o.type: raise ValueError("The screen doesn't support showing images!") self.o.display_image(data_to_display) return elif not isinstance(data_to_display, list): raise ValueError("refresh_function returned an unsupported type: {}!".format(type(data_to_display))) self.o.display_data(*data_to_display)
class RefresherView(object): def __init__(self, text_callback, monochrome_callback, color_callback=None): self.text_callback = text_callback self.monochrome_callback = monochrome_callback self.color_callback = color_callback def init(self, o): if "color" in o.type: self.callback = self.color_callback if self.color_callback else self.monochrome_callback elif "b&w" in o.type: self.callback = self.monochrome_callback else: self.callback = self.text_callback def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.callback(*args, **kwargs)